Novalac A.C No.1 Baby Milk Powder, 400g

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Novalac A.C No.1 Baby Milk Powder, 400g
Inclusive of VAT
Inclusive of VAT
Product Description
Novalac AC is an iron fortified dietary food specially designed to meet nutritional needs of new-borns and infants with colic when breast-feeding is not applied. It is iron fortified, has a low sodium content and an adapted protein ratio. Novalac AC is gluten free. Its specific composition of carbohydrates contributes in limiting the colonic fermentation of lactose responsible of gas and flatulence. Source of proteins in Novalac AC: Cow's Milk. Novalac AC can be used until the age of 6 months. Beyond 6 months and following the specialist's advice Novalac AC will take part of a progressively diversified diet. Novalac AC is a part of a complete range of products specially developed for responding to the nutritional needs. In case of protein allergies, prematurity, low-birth weight or in case of Immuno-compromised infants, Please seek for qualified health professional help for an appropriate advice.
- Baby Food Brand: Novalac
- Package Quantity: 1
- Product Size: 400 grams
- Product Flavor: Milk
- Baby Food Category: Baby Milk Formula